Our Story

Welcome to Our Story! Founded in 2021, our passion for our vibrant city of Christchurch sparked the vision to establish a unique marketplace, dedicated to honoring local artisans and fosters a genuine sense of community. Drawing inspiration from the scenic and picturesque Christchurch Botanic Gardens, our name reflects our mission and the soul of our lovely city.

  • The Garden City Mākete at the Welder

The Garden City Mākete is a place where communication, care, and community are at the heart of everything we do. Our marketplace is more than just a place to shop –it’s a hub for like-minded people to connect and discover the extraordinary talent thriving within our city.

With a strong focus on supporting local artisans, our market showcases a diverse array of handmade products that are sure to captivate your interest.

Throughout the year, we host many markets across various beautiful locations in Christchurch, carefully selected to reflect the immense talent of our artisans. These captivating venues reflect our commitment to cultivating creativity and celebrating the essence of our beloved city.

But we’re not just about selling beautiful products; we’re also about making a positive impact in our community. As part of our community focus, we proudly support charity initiatives, ensuring that we give back to the community that supports us.

Whether you’re in search of special gifts or seeking for delightful experiences, The Garden City Mākete is your ultimate destination. Our mission is to leave a lasting smile on the face of every visitor who enters our marketplace.

So, come and experience the creativity of talented local artisans, embrace the true spirit of our beautiful City, and be a part of something truly special.

Upcoming Markets